The finish line is in sight! After nearly nine months of growing, glowing (well, some days!), and getting ready, you’ve officially entered the home stretch. The last month of pregnancy is like the grand finale—exciting, nerve-wracking, and full of changes. As your due date inches closer, you might be wondering: what should you expect during this final month? Let’s dive into what’s coming your way.
1. The Physical Changes: Baby’s Making Moves!
As your baby gets ready to make their big debut, your body is working overtime to prepare for labour. Here’s what you might notice:
Baby Drops ("Lightening"): Around 36 weeks, you might suddenly feel like you can breathe a bit easier—yay! That’s because your baby has “dropped” into your pelvis, giving your lungs a bit more room. But there’s a trade-off: now, your bladder feels like it’s the size of a grape. Frequent bathroom trips, here we come!
Braxton Hicks Contractions: These practice contractions, also known as “false labour,” may become more frequent. They’re your body’s way of gearing up for the real deal. Unlike true labour contractions, these are usually irregular and less intense. A tip? Try changing positions or drinking water to see if they ease up.
Pelvic Pressure and Discomfort: With the baby’s head nestled low in your pelvis, you might feel some extra pressure down below. It’s a sign that your body is preparing for labour and it can be uncomfortable. Supportive maternity belts or a warm bath can help alleviate some of the pressure.
Swelling and Water Retention: By the ninth month, many expectant moms find their feet looking more like marshmallows. Swelling (especially in your ankles and feet) is common due to increased fluid retention. Resting with your feet in an elevated position while seated and in bed and staying hydrated can help reduce puffiness.
2. The Emotional Rollercoaster
Oh, the emotions! The last month of pregnancy is like a whirlwind of feelings, from excitement to anxiety to “Is this really happening?!”
Nesting Instinct: You might find yourself scrubbing the kitchen floor at 2 a.m. or reorganising baby clothes for the third time. This is called nesting, and it’s your brain’s way of prepping for the arrival of your little one. Enjoy it—it’s a great way to channel your nervous energy!
Anxiety and Worry: It’s completely normal to feel nervous about labour and bringing a new baby home. Take a deep breath. Remember, you’ve been preparing for this moment, and you’re more ready than you think! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try meditation, gentle stretching, reading positive affirmations and positive birth stories or talking to a supportive friend.
Excitement and Impatience: At this point, you’re probably more than ready to meet your baby. The waiting game can feel endless, especially if your due date comes and goes without any signs of labour. Patience is tough, but trust that your baby will arrive when they’re ready. And hey, savour these last few days of being able to binge-watch your favourite shows uninterrupted!
3. Common Symptoms in the Final Weeks
The last month can be physically challenging. Here are a few common symptoms to expect and how to cope:
Fatigue and Trouble Sleeping: Getting comfortable with a big belly can be like trying to sleep on a watermelon. Try using extra pillows (a pregnancy pillow is a game-changer) between your knees or under the bump or sleeping in a semi-upright position to find relief.
Leaking Colostrum: Your breasts might start leaking a yellowish fluid called colostrum. This is totally normal and a sign that your body is getting ready to feed your baby. If it’s bothersome, nursing pads can save your shirts.
Increased Discharge and the Mucus Plug: You might notice a thicker discharge as your body prepares for labour. At some point, you may even pass the mucus plug, a sign that labour could be near—but don’t panic! It can still take days or even weeks after losing it.
4. The Final Prep Checklist
With baby’s arrival just around the corner, here are a few things to check off your list:
Pack Your Hospital Bag: Make sure you have all the essentials: comfy clothes, toiletries, snacks, phone charger, and of course, an adorable outfit for baby’s first photo!
Install the Car Seat: Trust us, wrestling with a car seat at the hospital parking lot is not how you want to spend your first moments as a new parent.
Stock Up on Easy Meals: Prep and freeze some meals if you can. Postpartum life is a blur, and you’ll appreciate having quick, nutritious meals on hand.
5. Embrace the Unknown and Enjoy the Moment
The last month of pregnancy is full of changes and surprises, but it’s also an incredibly special time. It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions—whether it’s excitement, nervousness, or even a bit of fear. Give yourself grace. You’re about to do something amazing.
Take it day by day, lean on your support system, and remember that you’re about to meet the little person who’s been kicking and squirming inside you all these months. Soon, you’ll be holding your precious bundle of joy, and all those sleepless nights and trips to the bathroom will be worth it.